" The Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC) | one by one® Story | 4imprint
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The Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC), Recipient

The Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC)

Washington, DC

Crime victims often need someone at their side, supporting them and guiding them through the justice system. That’s where the Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC) comes in. Recognizing that being a crime survivor is a traumatic experience, NVRDC has been advocating for crime victims and providing legal representation since 2012. NVRDC uses different techniques to help victims de-stress. One of them is simple: use stress ball giveaways as a grounding technique. NVRDC received its latest supply of stress balls through a 4imprint one by one® grant. Going from two dedicated employees to 32, NVRDC has seen growth in a short time. Its victim advocates, attorneys and coordinators walk victims through the medical and legal process free of charge. They drive victims of sexual assault to medical appointments, help them through the forensic medical exam process and potential treatments, and guide them through the recovery process. Because so much is unknown after facing a crime, the organization’s mission is to support and advocate for victims to ensure they are treated with respect and dignity. NVRDC has served more than 4,500 (500 or so per year) Washington, D.C., crime victims since it was created. The nonprofit organization is experienced in serving victims of all types of crimes (surviving family members of homicide victims, elder abuse, hate crimes, identity theft, domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault). Victims are encouraged to attend support groups where they learn de-stressing techniques. This is where NVRDC found value in stress ball giveaways. “Attorneys noticed the impact of the stress balls on the victims when they are in court. They were really impressed with how such a small object can help victims stay focused and calm,” said Finance and Grants Administrator Merry O’Brien. “Their star shape allows for a very comforting and discreet way to hold them. They work better than the usual round ones.” Although the primary purpose of these stress ball giveaways is to support and help victims overcome emotions, the balls also support the organization’s outreach and awareness activities. Imprinted with the organization’s name and phone number, they serve as a public relations tool. “Attorneys have reported the stress balls are very helpful in court or daunting situations. We also want them to be a small and easy tool to give to someone else who may need our services as well,” O’Brien said.

For more information about The Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC), please visit https://www.nvrdc.org/ opens in new window

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