" Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence | one by one® Story | 4imprint
One by One
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence, Recipient

Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence

North Vernon, IN

Pen giveaways to help share the word Victims of domestic abuse need to be heard—and they need to be safe. In 1994, the Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence (JCCDV) in Vernon, Indiana, rose to action. The organization serves abuse victims and their families inside or outside the county. Thanks to the council’s tireless efforts, they help more than 300 victims each year. To help share the word about their services, JCCDV received Cubano Pen giveaways, along with a table throw and apparel, through a 4imprint® one by one® grant. Critical information delivered with a professional touch JCCDV Director Katrina Coryell and her team of nine staff members and about 20 volunteers “empower those in crisis with the necessary information and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.” Their goal is to help clients leave an abusive relationship or help them stay safe in their relationship. Coryell’s team also assists with some legal actions. “We are not lawyers, but we are our clients’ cheerleaders.” Coryell explains. “We can help by filling in legal documents and also go to court with them when they need support facing their abuser.” To share the word about this mission, the team distributes outreach materials to police and first responders as well as the general public. Besides promoting JCCDV to help more people in need, Coryell makes it a priority to attend events, including business conferences and Domestic Abuse Awareness Month events in October. Her team also visits local schools three days per semester, in each of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade health classes, to make youth aware of domestic violence issues. “Before the grant, we couldn’t afford any kind of promotional items. We would sometimes receive items donated by the community but nothing that would really look like us. We are so excited to set up the tablecloth, wear the sweaters with our logo and hand out the pen giveaways at events now. Our booth definitely looks way more professional and everyone thinks the materials are great.” A reminder that travels in the community Coryell says it’s important to be able to leave something behind when they attend community events. Imprinted with their name and logo, the pen giveaways are a reminder of the organization and also can be discreetly passed to someone in need. “Safety is most important to us, so using pens that everyone needs with the initials JCCDV on them is a great way to share our information.” Coryell adds.

For more information about Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence, please visit http://www.jccdv.org/ opens in new window

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