Logan Public Transit
Logan, Ohio
Logan Public Transit, an organization that provides curb-to-curb (and sometimes door-to-door) transportation in rural Logan, Ohio, received a grant from 4imprint®'s one by one® program in March of 2011. Since then, its team of drivers has been feeling more like, well, a team.
With the grant, Logan Public Transit Manager Roger Stivison bought shirts and vests featuring the organization's logo. When asked about the staff's reaction to receiving the logo-wear, beaming with pride Stivison simply says, "We were able to get a nice group picture."
He continues, "You know, sometimes we struggle down here in these rural communities and we do everything we can to try to provide service. Other than local recognition, this grant gives us some outside recognition. It also has given our drivers an increased feeling of professionalism and camaraderie. Anytime we have a function they get all dressed up in their shirts and their vests and we look like a group."
In rural Ohio, there are few resources for the organization's riders who are primarily seniors and people with disabilities. Without this organization and its dedicated team of drivers, many riders say they would be housebound. Logan Public Transit employs 11 drivers who work part-time; team spirit, camaraderie and this precious cargo are what keep drivers motivated.
For more information about Logan Public Transit, please visit http://www.loganpublictransit.com/ opens in new window